We will, once again, have a Christmas Offering Tree this season! This means our tree will have lights but no other decorations. Anyone can make a donation of £5, £10 or £15 through our card shop or cafe tills and every donation adds a star to the tree…

We will also have a collection box if you would prefer to donate a physical item. The priority needs identified currently are for Men’s Clothing, including:

Jeans (30, 32, 34)


Boots (not steel toe)

Gloves/Hand Warmers


Vest Tops


Also, Men’s and Women’s Coats.

You can find out more, as well as other ways to give, on the Genesis Trust website. Click HERE.

Cards For Good Causes

It has been an annual tradition for many years now, that we host a pop up shop for Cards For Good Causes. We opened this year on 16th October and trade is off to a good start!

For those unfamiliar with the organisation CFGC is the trading arm of the 1959 group of charities - a multi-charity membership organisation which currently has 11 member charities:
These are:

By working together as a collective group, the member charities can ensure more of every penny paid by the customer makes its way to those that need it most. In addition, the Group encourages and promotes voluntary work by local community groups and the general public.

A broad range of charities participate each year with their individual range of cards and CFGC print their own multi-charity cards, as well as decorations, advent calendars and gifts which support all their charities.

You can read more about how the organisation works HERE.

As a host venue, we are supplied with the stock and run the shop each year between October and December. Of course we couldn’t do this without the support of so many volunteers who help with stock and serving customers!

In addition, St. Mike’s chooses to partner with a range of smaller, local charities who would not normally be able to provide the volume usually required for retail stores. This year our partner charities are Focus Counselling, Connect Bath (formerly Bath Open Christmas), Bath Mind (cards and colouring books!) and the Genesis Trust.

The shop is open during cafe hours - Monday to Saturday, 9.30am - 3.30pm.

Safeguarding Sunday

On Sunday 17 November 2024 St. Michael’s will join thousands of churches from diverse backgrounds and traditions across the UK to shout about safeguarding and help protect vulnerable people.

This initiative, spearheaded by Thirtyone:eight invites communities to come together to reflect on their own safeguarding journey, and to highlight and celebrate all the good work that is being done by so many behind the scenes.

“Protecting vulnerable people from harm and speaking up for their rights is an integral part of our scriptural mandate as Christians (Proverbs 31:8)" (Thirtyone:eight website). Sadly the church has not always done this well but we seek to address and change these issues as a matter of priority.

The theme for this year’s Safeguarding Sunday is ‘Let’s Talk About It’ - with a focus on open and honest conversation about what has gone wrong and what we are getting right.

All Saints Day

What Is All Saints Day?

All Saints' Day, also known as All Hallows' Day, is observed on November 1st (or the closest Sunday) in Western Christianity.

It is when we celebrate the honor of all church saints, whether known or unknown. It is a day set aside to honor all the saints who have lived righteous and holy lives in accordance with Christian teachings.

Though many associate the word ‘Saints’ with icons, statues or stained glass images the bible teaches us something different. God calls all who trust in Christ for salvation a ‘saint’ - therefore all those who follow Jesus are saints!

"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus." (Revelation 14:12)

While the focus and manner of celebration may differ across denominations, the common theme is celebration of family and remembrance of those who have passed

"To the church of God that is in Corinth, to those sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints together with all those who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, both their Lord and ours" (1 Cor. 1:2)

International Day of Older People

The UK Network of Age-friendly Communities will mark International Day of Older People, this October 1st. This year’s UK theme is: “The part we play”: Celebrating the integral role of older people in our communities


Each year on 1st October, people across the world mark United Nations International Day of Older People to raise awareness of opportunities and challenges faced by ageing populations, and to mobilize the wider community to address difficulties faced by older people.

Introduction to the UK theme for 2024

Older people play an integral part in strengthening our communities and neighbourhoods; as workers, carers, volunteers, activists and community connectors. But these vital contributions are often overlooked, or limited by ageism and other societal and physical barriers. 

As well as helping others, volunteering has been shown to improve our social connections, enhance our sense of purpose and self-esteem. Paid work can have a positive impact on wellbeing as well as finances. Despite this, many older people find themselves encountering barriers to getting involved in all the ways they would like to.  

We all have a part to play in making our communities and neighbourhoods better places to age, and in celebrating and enabling the contributions of older people. 

To read more about the day and find out what might be happening click HERE.

Cafe Concerts Continue!

We are delighted to say that, after a series of successful monthly Cafe Concerts here at St. Mike’s we will now be a regular venue for Trio Paradis!

Trio Paradis are Jacquelyn Bevan (piano), Lisa Betteridge (violin) and Linda Stocks (cello) - a classical piano trio who perform Café Concerts at community venues across Somerset and Wiltshire: informal monthly daytime events, with music in a variety of styles, brought together in a themed programme.

No tickets required, but you are invited to donate to the retiring collection. Donations go to cover costs and towards the other work the performers undertake, including concerts in care homes.

You can read more about the trio, their work and the concerts on their website HERE.

Or watch them in action HERE!

Out Sermon Series for September and October is ‘Encounters with Jesus’. All are welcome to join us at the 9.30 or 10.45 for the following:


1st: The Road to Emmaus Luke 14
8th: Nicodemus Encounters Jesus
John 3:1-21
15th: Thomas Encounters Jesus
John 20:24-29
22nd The Shaping of Simon Peter
John 1:35-42
29th: The Rich Young Ruler
Matthew 19: 16-22


6th: Feeding the 5000 John 6:1-14
13th: Healing of the Paralysed Man
John 5
20th: Mary Anoints Jesus’ Feet
Mark 14
27th: The Road to Damascus
Acts 9

Summer Sermon Series

We have an interesting time to come during August when a variety of speakers will share thoughts on a Christian book that has inspired them in some way.

Join us each week of August at the Cafe Church service to hear more!

Coffee served from 10.15am for a 10.45am service start.


The bees need plants!

You may have noticed there are now three new planters at the front of the church!  Wonderful for the bees, but a little more work for us...

With the approach of Britain in Bloom at the end of this month we would love to get everything tidied up and looking lovely (for the judges and the bees..),  So if you have a bit of time to spare on Friday 21st June, from 10am please come along with your tools!  

We would also be grateful for any plants to go in the older planters, as they're currently rather barren.  Anything insect-friendly, and preferably currently in bloom, that you might have in your garden is so welcome.

Thank you so much!


In response to a number of requests here is last Sunday’s sermon, given by Jane Pleace, on the subject of generosity:

“Are we willing to submit our finances to God? Do we really trust him?
Jesus warned us about the dangers of wealth and possessions. He cautioned that money can become an idol that distracts people from pursuing God and righteousness.

In Matthew 6:24 Jesus taught that “No one can serve two masters… You cannot serve both God and money.”

This is really challenging teaching and Jesus knows that. He understands we need money to survive but he wants to ensure we don’t become enslaved to money and miss out on God’s plans and purposes. Jesus encourages us to be generous and in return God will be generous to us….

Click to download full talk

The easiest way to give to St Michaels regularly (or as a one-off) is through the Parish Giving Scheme, Their website can be found here: https://www.parishgiving.org.uk/home/

Once there, click on the Give Now section at the top left of the menu and from there you can find St Michael's Church in Bath. From there it is a very simple process to Register and to then select your level of giving.


It’s time for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting!

Join us on Monday 29th April from 7.00pm to celebrate the past year at St. Michael’s Without, welcome new PCC members, a new Church Warden, and give thanks.

The Annual Report is available to download HERE and the financial statements HERE. Hard copies will be in church on Sunday and at the meeting itself.

See you there!

Walk of Hope

A prayerful, reflective walk to mark Good Friday…

We will meet at 9.15am at Bath Methodist, Walcot Chapel and then proceed as follows:
St Michael’s Without, Broad St.
St Johns RC Church
Bath Abbey Churchyard (outside the west door)…
and ending at Bath Salvation Army at around 11.15am.

At each location there will be time for a 10 minute act of reflection, including bible readings, prayer and worship.

Do feel free to join for the whole walk or any part - all are welcome!

Lent for kids!

Last Sunday our children and young people looked at what Lent means and why it’s important. We used some symbols - hands for praying, bread for fasting, and the cross as we look towards the Easter story - to explain the season and then created them together. Here are some of the results!

Bath Recitals Trust - Handel's Water Music

Saturday April 20th at 7.30pm

Angela Hicks soprano
Eleonore Sian Cockerham soprano
Neil Moore counter-tenor
Michael Burgess tenor

The Georgian Festival Chorale & St Woolos Sinfonia
Daniel Robert Cushing
Francis Faux chorus master

Following the success of Bath Recital’s 2023 A Carolean Christmas, 2024 begins with a magnificent candlelit concert of seasonal Baroque music by Handel.

The much-loved ‘Water Music’ is followed by the charming Cuckoo and the Nightingale. A rare and complete performance of The Choice of Hercules captures the joys of Spring and new life.

Handel Water Music, Suite No. 1 in F Major
Handel The Cuckoo and the Nightingale Organ Concerto
Handel Oratorio – The Choice of Hercules

Tickets: Adults £24 – £30; students £14 – £18

Box office: buy tickets online from the Bath Box Office website or call 01225 463 362

Supported by The Joyce Fletcher Charitable Trust

As some of you may have already experienced, Christmas has partially begun at St Mike’s with the arrival of Cards for Good Causes! This has been an annual event for many years now - supporting many great charities through the sale of Christmas cards, as well as wrapping and accessories and small gifts. Most are national charities but you will find the local charity partner of Julian House among the red boxes too!

We are very pleased to say the Advent Calendars and calendar cards, including those with biblical themes and text are back this year and as popular as ever. You can also find a small selection of advent candles with which to mark this important season.

If you want to know more about Cards for Good Causes, and the charities included you can take a look at their website HERE.

A very big thank you in advance to our wonderful volunteers who make the shop possible!

As we have in the last couple of years St. Mike’s has again partnered with a number of smaller, very local organisations. The aim is to provide an opportunity for fundraising to organisations that wouldn’t normally be able to produce the quantity required by large retailers. We also hope it helps raise awareness of the work they do!
This year we are proud to support:

Connect Bath (formerly Bath Open Christmas)
The Genesis Trust
Focus Counselling
Bath Mind

You can learn more about each one by clicking on their name above.