Our next Sermon Series will look at nine ‘practices’ we can follow, forming the rhythm of daily life, which demonstrate our commitment to following the way of Jesus.

The Practices are:

Rest is the practice of joining God in the renewal of all things by doing our work with integrity, so that we can then rest by ceasing from work knowing that our identity is not in what we do but in what Christ has done for us.

Prayer is the practice of creating space daily for us to talk to God, talk with God, listen to the Holy Spirit and be with God – leading us to pray for the needs of the world and those around us.

Scripture is the practice of creating space daily for God to speak to us through His living and active word, the Bible, so that we are formed into a people for God’s Kingdom and purposes.

Fasting is the practice of praying with your body as you offer your all to God increasing our dependency on Him and in seeking for Him to bring breakthrough.

Gathering is the practice of gathering regularly as the body of Christ to worship God, celebrate communion, hear from the Bible and pray together.

Do join us at either 9.30 or 10.45 from 9th February, for this new series.